Perennials are plants that come back year after year. In our 4000 sq. ft. perennial house, we carry a wide selection of garden favorites and have a knowledgeable staff to help you pick the best plant for your location. Brenda Rogers, Perennial House Manager, grew up in the nursery business and has been with Soil Service Nursery for 14 years.
- Heleborus (Lenten Rose)
- Peonies
- Hardy Hibiscus and Bannana
- Sedum and other perennial succulents
- Ornamental Grasses
- Milkweeds
- Iris
- Daylillies
- Rain Garden
- Groundcovers- for sun and shade
- Herbs
- Clematis
- Hostas
- Heucheras (Coral Bells) – We specialize in Villosa hybrids that can take the heat and humidity of Kansas City!
- Spring Ephemerals
- Pond Plants
- Vines