
    Ice Melters

    Best practice for ice melt use

    1. Spread light even layer on ice
    2. Wait 10-15 minutes to allow ice to melt
    3. Shovel off slush before ice refreezes


    Urea Nitrogen Fertilizer


    Nitrogen Fertilizer

    Effective to +15º F




    Zero Ice Potassium Chloride

    Zero Ice

    3-way mixture

    Effective to below 0° F

    Contains Magnesium Chloride







    XCALIBUR Ice Melt

    3-way mixture

    Effective to -10° F

    Contains Calcium Chloride






    ***When Using Ice Melt on Concrete***

    1. Only Ammonium Sulfate & Ammonium Nitrate will attack concrete

    2. All other Ice Melts effect the freezing point of water

    3. Increase in freeze/thaw cycles

    4. Expansion of freezing water can exceed the strength of concrete

    5. Prompt removal of slush and residual deicer will minimize damage