A.K.A.: Chinese Evergreen
Light: The darker green varieties of aglaonema
can grow in near shade, while the variegated
varieties require brighter light. Do not expose
any variety of aglaonema to direct sun.
Watering: Water thoroughly in the summer.
During the winter, reduce watering but do not let
the plant dry out completely.
Humidity: Thrives in a more humid environment
Temp: they do not like cold drafts or
temperatures below 65 degrees. Be sure to keep
it away from drafty windows or vents and the
warmer the spot you can find, the better.
Soil: A well-drained, slightly acidic potting soil is
perfect for aglaonemas.
Fertilizer: Use a slow-release pellet or liquid
fertilizer during the growing season.
Toxicity: Moderately toxic to animals
Information may vary depending on plant variation