Benefits of Naturally Occurring Humate
Natural Guards Soil Activator is a natural product with no chemical additives.
Humate is a natural organic concentrated compost containing a high concentration of humic acid which is being recycled back into the soil. Humic acids are the most biochemically active and important group of soil materials.
Humate holds the nutrients in usable form and releases them to the growing plant as needed.
Humate releases locked-in nutrients, making them available for plant use.
Humate helps aerate the soil. Its colloidal action assists in preventing formation of large lumps and stratification of the soils.
Humate activates the decomposition of plowed under crop remains, new compost, and grass clippings. (No need to bag clippings unless they are wet or you are cutting off more than 1 inch at a time)
Humate retains water soluble inorganic fertilizers and releases them to the growing plants as needed. (Stretches out the food availability between lawn feedings.)
Humate increases the water holding capacity of soils. Soil containing humate resists droughts more effectively and produces better yields where rainfall or irrigation may otherwise be insufficient. (Up 1000% in sandy loam soils and 700% in clay.)
Humate is a natural compost and a supplement to crop rotation, to green and animal manures and to inoculation of soil with microorganisms.
Humate improves the tilth or workability of the soil and thus heavy clay soils can be worked into satisfactory seed beds and marginal soils into profitable soils. Soils are more crumbly and suitable sized particles are formed in the aggregate.
Humate reduces soil erosion by increasing the cohesive forces of very fine soil particles and promotes desirable drainage and water intake.
Humate is not, by itself, a significant source of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash, nor does it restore organic matter to the soil in quantity. (Your organic material will come from decomposed grass clippings while you are using Natural Guard Soil Activator.
Benefits on Use on Turf Grass
Natural Guard Soil Activator is a natural, organic substance of proven benefit when used on turf grasses, gardens, trees, and shrubs, at a rate of 400 lbs. per acre. Use Natural Guard Soil Activator year round! Here’s what to look for:
- Promotes Residue (Thatch Decomposition)
- Improves Soil Structure
- Enhances Soil Life – Better Residue Breakdown and More Beneficial Earthworm Activity
- Increases Availability of Some Soil Nutrients (Improves Plant Nutrition)
- Permits Reduction in Amount of Fertilizer to 3 lb. of Nitrogen per Year for Lawns. The 5 Step Lawn Programs are at that rate.
- Enhances Root Development
- Improves Plant Vigor and Appearance (Visual Quality)
- Little or No Increased Frequency of Mowing
- Better Resistance to Stress
Some or all of these benefits may be observed depending on you soil, species of grass used, and your management program. Variations may be expected from green lawn to green lawn as soil structure, soil fertilizer, and rate of Humate used are varied.
Care must be taken not to water excessively. (You should be able to reduce your watering!)
The following are yield increases and other measures of growth and performance achieved in controlled tests conducted by Clemson University. The University of California Citrus Research Center and from field experiments reported by Acres U.S.A Magazine.
Each of these figures represents the best results in what may have been multi-variable experiments.
- Sweet Peppers: 73% yield increase
- Soy Beans: 84% yield increase
- Dry Land Wheat: Up to 800% yield increase
- Tomatoes: 102% yield increase and 5 days additional shelf life
- Citrus Seedings: 53% increase in growth rate and ability to withstand 12Âș lower temperature
- Citrus Fruit: Significant increase in sugar content
- Water Holding Capacity
- Sandy Loam Soils: Increase to 1000%
- Clay Soils: Increase to 700%
- Irrigation: Water reductions of up to 75%