• Plants that Attract Humming Birds

    1. Trees
      • Crabapples
    2. Shrubs
      • Honeysuckle
      • Trumpet Vine
      • Weigela
    3. Perennials
      • Bee Balm
      • Columbine
      • Hibiscus
      • Penstemon
      • Scarlet Gilia
      • Tiger Lily
    4. Annuals

      • Cleome
      • Fuchsias
      • Hollyhocks
      • Larkspur
      • Nasturtium (Single Flowered)
      • Salvia
      • Red-Hot Pokers

    To Make Feeding Nectar:
    1 part sugar
    4 parts water

    Heat and then cool. No coloring needed!

    Do NOT use honey!
    Humming Birds also feed on small insects. Do not use pesticides on plants used as wild food!


    Plants that Attract Butterflies

    1. Trees
      • Apple
      • Ash
      • Cherry
      • Dogwood
      • Hornbeam
      • Horse Chestnut
      • Linden (American)
      • Redbud
      • Serviceberry
      • Sweetbay Magnolia
      • Tuliptree
    2. Shrubs
      • Abelia
      • Buddleia
      • Caryopteris
      • Honeysuckle
      • Hypericum
      • Lantana (Orange)
      • Lilacs
      • Ninebark
      • Privets
      • Sumac (Fragrant and Staghorn)
    3. Perennials
      • Aster
      • Bee Balm
      • Butterfly Weed
      • Coreopsis (Yellow)
      • Daisy
      • Daylilies
      • Hibiscus
      • Lavender
      • Liatris
      • Lobelia
      • Milkweed
      • Forget-Me-Not
      • Native Wildflowers
      • Phlox
      • Purple Coneflower
      • Rudbeckia
      • Statice
      • Sunflower
      • Sweet Pea
      • Yarrow
    4. Annuals

      • Ageratum
      • Alyssum
      • Cosmos
      • Dill
      • Flowering Tobacco
      • Impatiens
      • Marigold (Orange)
      • Parsley
      • Petunia
      • Zinnia

    **Do not use Pesticides or any chemicals on plants planted specifically for wildlife!!!